Yesterday Logen was one month old! I can't believe it's been a month that he's been here with us! We love him so much! It's so hard to think of life without him now. Page loves him SO much and has done wonderfully "adjusting" to him being around and taking some of the attention off her. Steve being around has been awesome and has really made the transition so much easier. I know we will all miss him so much when he goes back to work. It's a good thing we still have plenty of time until that happens. He doesn't go back to work full time until the middle of March (he has to go in for a meeting or two the week before - but nothing serious).
Now... more about the little guy! He's growing like a weed, seriously! We took him to the doctor yesterday for his one month well baby appointment and he was 12 pounds 8 ounces!!!! He was 7 pounds 3 ounces one month ago when he was born! This boy can eat!!!! He is in the 97th percentile for kids his age in the weight category. He is also 22 1/2 inches long (he was 20 inches when he was born) and is in the 74th percentile on height. Logen is both nursing and eating formula bottles, although we are trying to only give him formula when absolutely necessary (out in public) and at night to finish him off so he sleeps a little longer.
As far as sleeping... Logen is now staying awake a little more. He still isn't on a real consistent schedule during the day, other than sleeping on and off all morning, awake during the daycare kids' lunches and naps (the one time we would prefer he sleeps - good thing Steve is still here to help with that), and awake during dinner - it doesn't matter if we change the time of dinner... he's still awake! :) I think he likes to see how talented I am... can I nurse, eat, and corral Page all at the same time? Yes... yes I can! In the evenings, we had been trying to keep him awake from the time we put Page to sleep (a little before 8) until we go to bed, but that doesn't seem to work very well. He usually wakes up around 9:30pm and eats. After he nurses, I try to give him an ounce or two of formula and put him to bed. He then sleeps until about 3:30am. I love this nice long period of sleep. After that, he's usually up around 5:30 or 6 to eat and then again at 8:30. It's not that bad. He's been having some issues pooping the last couple days, so he's been up a little more, but I think it's just because he's uncomfortable and has a tummy ache. Hopefully we're getting that all taken care of by nursing him/pumping more and he'll be back to sleeping well again.
Anyway, eating and sleeping are still his favorite things to do, so that's pretty much all I have to talk about. As I said, he's been having some pooping issues, which have lead to some MAJOR gas issues. He has literally stank Steve out of the room and has pooped all over both of us. Those are just the joys of parenthood, though! It always makes for a good laugh! :)
So, here are some pictures from the last week or so of Logen just hanging out. I'll try to be better about blogging and adding more pictures. I will be posting some of his newborn pictures tomorrow. We have all of his birth announcements ordered, we're just waiting for them to arrive and then they'll be in the mail! So, watch for newborn pics!!!
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