Thursday, September 30, 2010
Random Thoughts
1) This week at daycare, Maddy and her mom went on a trip to St. Louis for a week and a half. She was here Monday and Tuesday, but the rest of this week and all of next week, it's just Logan, the daycare Logan - not to be confused with "in my belly Logen - spelled differently, (with the occasional Gabriel sprinkled in). Or so I thought. We had all kinds of plans for our easy week. For example, today (Thursday) Page, Logan, and I were planning a trip out to Goodyear to spend some time at Danielle and Ryder's house. They come to our place often to play, but we decided we'd make the 30 minute drive this time so Danielle didn't always have to use her gas! Page was BEYOND excited about going. That's all she's talked about for almost 2 days. We were all packed up and ready to go when my cell phone rang.
(Back story - yesterday I had a guy call and ask if he could bring his 5 year old son to my house as a daycare drop in. I said sure, I had the room and with Maddy gone, could use the extra cash. He was a pretty good kid, but has a hard time sharing and playing with the younger kids, but hey, for 5 hours, I could handle it! No big deal.)
Anyway, my phone rings and it's the guy from yesterday, wanting to bring his son over again... in 5 minutes! Every thought raced through my head... Do I tell him no since we're going to Danielle's? I can't tell Page no now after I've been hyping it for so long and she's so excited. Do we see if Danielle and Ryder can come here? Do I ask him if I can bring him with me? I can't really pass up $30 just to go play. So, I decided to be honest and explain the situation and tell him that we've had this planned, but Micah (the little boy) is more than welcome to come with us if he was OK with me driving with him. He said it was fine and that he would be there in a couple minutes - he really wasn't joking, I swear he was there in 2 minutes. So, I loaded all the kids into the truck! We got to Danielle and Ryder's and everyone was excited to see each other. They played pretty well together but there were some rough spots. Page got jealous that Micah and Ryder were playing together when she was supposed to be playing with Ryder. That all eventually got worked out and Danielle got her baby time with Logan. In the end, it turned out to be an OK morning play date. Page VERY MUCH looks forward to the next time she can go and play with Ryder at his house - only she wants to go alone this time. Hahaha...
2) That leads to the next big thing this week! Steve and I FINALLY get a date night!!!! I honestly don't know the last time we went out together, just the two of us. I think it's been at least 6 months, I know we weren't pregnant with Logen yet! Anyway, Danielle and Derrick don't know many people here, nor do we, so we decided to swap babysitting. They are watching Page on Saturday at their house while Steve and I do dinner and a movie and we will watch Ryder at our house next weekend while they do dinner and a movie! Page is excited about going back to Danielle and Ryder's on Saturday. I haven't told her yet that Steve and I aren't staying, but I think she'll be OK. Knowing Page, she'll cry for a minute or two, but then she'll forget all about us, especially since they are taking her to McDonald's!
Steve and I are just excited about a little husband and wife time alone together. We are going to see the new Resident Evil movie. Before kids, Steve and I went to the movies almost every weekend. We can't wait to see a movie in the movie theater! It's the little things in life. :) We're going to have a great time and I'm sure Danielle and Derrick will, too, next weekend!
3) I've been in a weird baking frenzy. I know, I said random... there's no rhyme or reason to my thoughts currently. Yesterday I woke up and baked chocolate chip muffins! They were DELICIOUS! Page decided they were cupcakes so she had to ice and decorate a couple for herself. They were very yummy and while I was planning on sharing them, there are only 3 left, so I guess it's just Logen and me that get to enjoy them! This morning, I woke up and baked homemade banana bread. I was planning on making this yesterday, but with Micah here, I didn't have the time I thought I did to get them made. This time I did share, though. My recipe makes 2 loaves and Steve and I can never finish both, so I brought one for Danielle and Derrick to share. Danielle is pregnant, too, so if she's anything like me, Derrick will maybe get a piece or two! :) LOL... sorry Derrick! I still feel like baking, but I don't know what else to bake. Steve even made the comment that it smells like the holidays in our house because of all the baking I'm doing. I guess I'll have to find something else to make tomorrow.
4) I said earlier that Maddy is gone all next week. Gabriel will be gone all next week, too, as his Grandma will be in town. So, it's just Page and Logan (and maybe Micah... who knows) so we are planning a trip to the zoo next week. Danielle and Ryder are planning to join us as well. Hopefully Micah's dad can give me more than a few minutes notice next week if he needs care. I don't think I'll bring Micah to the zoo with us, just because it'll be harder to keep track of everyone and my car is just big enough for Page, Logan, Ryder, Danielle, and myself, so... But since it's an easy week, I figure I might as well get the kids out of the house and enjoying nature and some culture! We may even end up back in Goodyear again for a day or two, depending on everyone's schedules! I love easy weeks, although that usually means less money weeks! It's a good thing those easy weeks don't come around too often.
Anyway, I think that's all the randomness for now. I know I have more, but I feel like I'm just rambling. Sorry I don't have any pictures to share, but I will try to get some this weekend. I will definitely post a date night picture and tell all about our wonderful night! That should give all you readers out there something to look forward to! Have a great rest of the week!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Baby Update: 26 weeks
How Far Along: 26 weeks - next Monday I enter my third trimester
Size of Baby: He is about 9.4 inches long and weighs about 2 lbs
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Currently I have gained 5 lbs total this pregnancy
Maternity Clothes: Always. I was able to hold out and wear some of my regular shorts and tops until about a week or so ago. I've really popped since then and maternity clothes are all I feel comfortable in currently.
Gender: Boy - Logen Warren Hustedt
Movement: Oh my goodness. He is a mover! Logen is always kicking and/or punching. He is particularly active VERY early in the morning, whenever I'm rocking babies to sleep, and in the evenings when Steve and I are cuddling on the couch.
Food Cravings: I haven't been too bad this time. I get random cravings every once in a while, but in the evenings, I always need something sweet and chocolaty, even if it's just a granola bar with chocolate in it. But I have also been eating LOTS of apples! I usually eat at least one a day, sometimes more!
What I Miss: I miss being able to sit up or get off the couch without moaning or having to roll off the couch/out of bed. I remember this phase with Page, but I don't remember it happening so early. I also miss my memory. It seems to be shot lately! :) Pregnancy brain as we call it!
Sleep: I've been really tired in the evenings lately. I have PLENTY of energy during the day and I think I use it all up, because come 9:30... I'm exhausted! Once I'm asleep, I'm usually good, but the frequent night time potty breaks have already surfaced.
Symptoms: Other than the constant kicking, just getting winded a little easier and already starting to waddle a little. My hips have been a little sore, but thankfully the round ligament pains have subsided. They were much worse.
Best Moment This Week: Steve and I were laying on the couch watching TV and he had his hands on my belly (but a little too high to feel Logen kicking). I told him that I wished his arms were a little longer (for anyone who knows Steve, you already know he has abnormally LONG arms) and we both just sat there and laughed and laughed (I cried I was laughing so hard) until I just moved up a little and then Steve got to feel the wrath of Logen, too. Logen can always tell when his Daddy is nearby because he starts doing somersaults and high kicks!
What I Am Looking Forward To: I am looking forward to next week when we finally hit our third trimester. I know the third trimester can sometimes be the longest one (emotionally and physically) but I can't wait. We have so much stuff planned in the next couple weeks that I think this time is going to fly by. October is a SUPER busy month and then it's home for Thanksgiving and then a couple weeks later... there's our little guy! I'm doing my best to schedule as much stuff as I can between now and then so we can have as much fun with Page as an only child and so that we stay busy to pass the time! Page is going to be the best big sister... we can't wait to until she (and we) gets to meet Logen!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
McDonald's Fun
Danielle told them to put their arms around each other.... I don't think they understood. They figured it out eventually!!!
She LOVES slides, so it not surprising that she loved going down the slide over and over and over again. I love how the static makes her pig tails stick straight out.
After Page was done playing on the slide, she decided to get gutsy and start exploring the rest of the play place. She loved crawling through the tunnels and making faces at us through the windows. I'm pretty sure Steve and I laughed for a good five minutes at this first face!!!
After making funny faces at us for a little while, Page decided to be a drama queen and "claimed" to be stuck and needed help. We clearly knew she wasn't stuck, but she also wasn't coming down, no matter how much pleaded. So, I knew I wasn't going to get my big belly up there to "save" her, so "Good King Daddy" went up to rescue the trapped Princess in the Tower. Here are a couple pictures to show how great of a Daddy Page has. Between his bad knees and claustrophobia, Page was lucky he was able to make it through the tunnels. He even told Page at one point (while in the tower), "These tunnels are killing my knees." So Page responded with, "It's killing me, too, Daddy." LOL What a little cutie! So, enjoy the pictures of the Princess rescue by her Good King Daddy!!!
FREEDOM at last!!!!!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday Funday
Friday, September 17, 2010
1) We had our final second trimester doctor appointment on Wednesday! I can't believe that the next time we go (in a month) we'll be in the third trimester. This appointment went well. I gained 5 lbs this month (3 lbs total gained from beginning of pregnancy for those of you keeping track). I wasn't too surprised by the weight gain with all the stress and travelling and comfort eating I had been doing the past month. But now it's time to get back on track! Logen is still strong and growing and was even kicking so hard while the doctor was getting his heartbeat that it scared Dr.Bass at first! It was pretty funny. And even better than that... Steve felt Logen move for the first time that night! I'm so glad to finally be able to share that experience with him! He's getting SO much more active lately. I feel like a human punching bag sometimes! :)
At our next appointment, I have to take the dreaded glucose test to test for gestational diabetes. They aren't concerned, this is just routine. The stuff just tastes SO bad... yuck. Then, while we're there, we are getting our 3D Ultrasound. I can't wait. I remember getting Page's 3D Ultrasound done. She really looked like a little baby then... I can't wait to see Logen's beautiful face. Hopefully one of our kids will look like me. (As Steve would say... doubtful).
We also at this last appointment got our admissions paperwork for the hospital for delivery. Wow! I don't remember getting that so early with Page. I have three months to go... but hey, I guess better safe than sorry and better to be prepared. It's all starting to feel so real. I actually read in one of my books that if Logen was to be born today, he would actually have more than a 50% chance of surviving. While I prefer slightly higher percentages than that, that was pretty exciting to hear.
2) I know it's corny, but I'm so excited that fall is just around the corner and the weather will be cooling down here. My friend, Danielle, and I already have started making plans for taking Page and Ryder to the Pumpkin Patch and dragging our husbands along! Page had such a blast last year and she asks to go EVERYDAY. I think she'll have even more fun having Ryder there to play with. We are also going to do trick-or-treating together. I got my costume in the mail on Wednesday, Page's should be on its way, and we are going to get the stuff for Steve's costume either this weekend or next. I'm VERY excited.
Other than just the Pumpkin Patch and trick-or-tricking, I also bought a Zoo Membership today! I can't wait to take Page to the zoo all the time now that the weather is cooling down. I'm even thinking of maybe trying to schedule a field trip with the daycare kids if I can get a mom or two to help out! What a fun time that would be. I love it out here in October through December, when the weather is SO nice to be outside. I know Page can't wait to play in the backyard and to sidewalk chalk again.
3) Steve surprised Page and me with a trip to San Francisco in October. He is going to be there all week for work and we had at one time talked about meeting him there, but decided against it because of finances. But, we found some awesome deals (he has a free ticket because of work, he had a free ticket for Page to use, and I found SUPER cheap airfare for myself) so it's totally affordable. This is going to be our final vacation just the three of us (other than home for Thanksgiving) before Logen is born. Steve and I took a trip in October of 2008 before Page was born to L.A. as our "Last Childless Vacation". I can't wait. When we get back, I'll have to post pictures from our 2008 and 2010 vacations to compare the bellies! HAHAHA
4) There are some wonderful things happening to some of my friends. I'm actually not at liberty to discuss any of them, but they have good and exciting things happening. I'm so happy for them and can't wait to tell everyone all about all of it!
5) I'm just happy!!! Maybe it's because I went to bed SUPER early last night (I wasn't feeling well) while Steve stayed up and played video games, but I am just in a happy mood today. Maybe it's the weekend and knowing that I have so much to be thankful for! I can only imagine the other good things heading my way!! I look forward to it all!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
It's FINALLY here!!!!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Happy Days Ahead
I'm so glad to be home. It's nice to get Page back into her routine and back into the swing of the daycare. I've realized how lucky I truly am. Thus, this blog is going to be dedicated to me listing all the wonderful things that I have to be truly thankful and grateful for!!!
1. The most wonderful and loving husband! Steve is my best friend and my rock. Sure, there's rough times, but we are always there for each other when it matters and I can always depend on him when I am sad, lonely, or need a laugh.

2. A fantastic, smart, and beautiful little girl. I don't think Steve and I could have asked for more when thinking of Page. She is so incredible and is growing up into the most wonderful and beautiful (inside and out) young lady. She's getting so big so fast!

3. A healthy and easy pregnancy. While the flights home and back weren't always so easy with Logen in tow, I am lucky that I have been overall blessed with a healthy and easy pregnancy.

4. Wonderful parents, sisters, brother, and many many in-laws on both sides. Without my family, I don't know where I'd be. We all have differences from time to time, but we all love each other and I'm so glad that I am from a large family and Steve is, too. It makes things so much more fun.


5. Fantastic friends. I have the best friends ever. I have friends that I can count on to be there for me in my darkest hours (Vicki - thanks again for coming to the funeral home. I miss you so much) and friends that are always there for me to talk to and run into in the strangest places (Danielle, I still don't know how it was possible for us to be in the same LARGE airport on the most random of days and happen to see each other, but I'm glad we did. Just seeing you and Ryder made my day a little better).


6. A wonderful job that allows me to stay home with Page and eventually Logen and raise my kids and teach them all I want to before they enter school. I am so lucky that I was given the opportunity to take this leap and that my wonderful husband and family were so supportive in my move from teaching to daycare. I love my job every day and it only gets better and better.
7. My amazing daycare parents. I think I have the best daycare parents anyone could ask for. They are always so warm and supportive, no matter what the situation. They are dependable and so friendly. I love each of their kids and I love that they all took a liking to Page and that she enjoys the parents just as much as she enjoys their kids!
8. This AZ weather. While I was home, there were highs in the 70s. Brrrr.... :) Now that I'm back in AZ, it's been beautiful weather. We've had highs in the 90s, but in the evenings, it's SO gorgeous outside. Steve and I love being able to sit outside and relax in the evenings without dying of heat stroke. I can't wait to start our evening walks as a family again next week. I love this time of year!
9. All the wonderful things I have. I have always been very lucky to have more than I could ever need. My Daddy and my husband both have and continue to spoil me like crazy. I know I don't always act like it, but I am truly thankful and appreciate all that I have and have ever had. I know there are many people out there who are FAR less fortunate than me.
10. Great friends and fellow bloggers who will take on this challenge to find 10 things they are truly grateful for and that make them happy and blog about it. I can't wait to read them all!!!
Blog away!!!!!!!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
We Will Always Remember You!

Thursday, September 2, 2010
So, I am left here in AZ with my crazy pregnancy hormones taking over my life. I have the kids here and thankfully they've been angels today, but I catch myself breaking into water works every so often... really for no reason at all. The worst was when I grabbed a bib for one of the babies and it was Page's "Great Grandpa Loves You" bib. Whew.... that really got the water works flowing. I'm trying to stay positive and strong. There's really no reason for me to be upset yet. Nothing has happened. But every time I think of my Mom and Grandma just sitting at the house (with all of my wonderful family and extended family that came to be with them)waiting for something to happen, it breaks my heart. Now, I guess I should be grateful that I at least get to sit at home and wait for the call, but maybe not.
Either way, I'm left feeling helpless and guilty. Helpless because there's nothing I (or anyone else) can do and guilty because I lost it today on the phone when I was talking to my mom. I feel so bad for that. I'm supposed to be there for her, not the other way around. I apologized to her profusely, but I still feel guilty for laying some of my burden on her. I don't want her to have to worry about me, too. I guess I will just have to try harder to not let it happen again.
Also, while thinking about it all, I'm left thinking about Grandma and Pop Rolves, too. They've been gone several years now, but both of their birthdays are this month and coming around the corner. Grandma Rolves would have been 90 on the 8th and Pop would have been 93 on the 16th. I thought about them the other day when I switched my calendar to September. I hope they both have wonderful birthdays together playing Euchre, eating pie and ice cream, and laughing with old friends. At least I know that Pa will be able to celebrate soon after he reaches Heaven with two of his old friends. It gives me peace to think of the three of them (with Uncle Leo, too) playing cards and having a great time together again, just like the old days. I guess that's all we can do now, pray for a quick and peaceful end and remember that he will be welcomed by old friends and family in Heaven when he gets there.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Christmas and other randomness....



Anyway... I'll leave you with some random pictures of Page and Steve opening Logen's bedding package when it arrived last week and also some random Page craziness! Enjoy!